
Scanitto Pro feature request and feedback


Which brand of scanner do you use?

Very recently we carried out a survey of users of our programs and visitors to our website "Which brand of scanner do you use?"
Among the respondents were home users as well as small/medium business people.


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Huru Helpdesk (Need to respond icon)

Huru Helpdesk is a Joomla! 1.5 native helpdesk application with built-in knowledge base. It has many features, but I guess one necessary feature is missing.
When Rep is viewing all open problems using Huru Helpdesk control panel, table with problems does not show problems that require a reply. It is hard to decide which problem was replied and which not. Therefore, I had a try to fix it.



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Scanitto Pro with OCR

The new version of program Scanitto Pro is being prepared for release. Working on the release we strive to please users with magic feature of texts recognition. The forthcoming version will include a necessary minimum for recognition of English texts.
Scanitto Pro with OCR


Software per scansioni affidabile, semplice e facile da usare

La maggior parte delle applicazioni fornite in bundle assieme agli scanner, vengono date come versione di prova, mentre le versioni complete sono costose e piene di funzionalità di cui probabilmente non avrai mai bisogno.   Gli utenti comuni raramente si avventurano nella correzione di colore avanzata, in formati non standard e altre fantasiose funzionalità, mentre i professionisti non acquistano dispositivi e applicazioni comuni – hanno esigenze specifiche che non possono essere soddisfatte da soluzioni ordinarie.  Se possiede uno scanner che utilizza per un numero limitato di operazioni (copia, scansione di testi, acquisizione di fotografie) ed è alla ricerca di uno strumento che sia decisamente facile da usare, economico e che svolga perfettamente il lavoro quotidiano, allora provi senza esitazione Scanitto Pro.


New Scanitto Pro version released

We are pleased to announce that a new version of Scanitto Pro was released today. This release reflects many days of work to make Scanitto Pro more stable, powerful, and useful. We are grateful to all the users who tried the previous version and gave us feedback. Most of your wishes, we were able to realize in this version.
  • Italian language
  • Spanish language
  • Drag&Drop function for scanned documents (copy files directly to Explorer or another app)
  • Fixed bug in access rights checking function
  • Added PDF format to scan single-page document
  • Hints with information about underlaying image
  • Changed some elements of the UI
  • 1-BPP JPEG file error was fixed
Download scanner software Scanitto Pro

We are always open to feedback and hope that you will take some time to review the new Scanitto Pro features and let us know how we can make it even better. Comment right here


Scannprogramm: schnell, bequem und leistungsstark

Scanitto Pro – ist eine leichte, schnelle Anwendung, die von unnötigen Funktionen nicht belastet ist. Präzise Parametereinstellung, Möglichkeit, Dokumente in nur einem Klick zu kopieren und in vielseitige PDF- und TIFF-Dateien speichern usw


Scanitto Pro est un logiciel de numérisation simple et rapide.

Scanitto Pro est un logiciel de numérisation simple, rapide qui n’est pas surchargé d’innombrables fonctions inutiles. Le réglage précis des paramètres de numérisation, la reproduction de documents en un seul clic et l’enregistrement des documents en tant que fichiers multipage PDF et TIFF - c’est exactement ce dont un utilisateur du scanner a constamment besoin!


BlindScanner Pro Remote TWAIN

Sometimes users of one local area network face the following problem: whether it is necessary to buy another scanner if you already have one in office or at home just for everyone to be able to scan documents without distracting colleagues from their important work? 


Share remote scanner with BlindScaner Standard

The BlindScanner Standard software will share and open access to a scanner on the local area network that is not directly connected to your computer, but installed on a computer located in the neighboring room, for example. Easy of use, saving to various formats, compressing images, scanning pages automatically, scanning multiple pages, supporting an automatic feeder - these are not all of the program features.


Scanitto Pro scanner software

Most bundled applications that come along with new scanners are supplied as trial versions, while their full versions are quite on the expensive side and are full of advanced features you will most probably never need. Regular users rarely resort to advanced color-correction, non-standard formats and other fancy features, while professionals simply don’t buy regular scanners and applications – they have their own requirements that are unlikely to be met by mainstream solutions. If you have a scanner that you use for a limited range of purposes (copying, simple text and image scanning) and are looking for a tool that would be drop-dead easy to use, inexpensive and would do the job well every day, you definitely should check out Scanitto Pro.