
Huru Helpdesk (Need to respond icon)

Huru Helpdesk is a Joomla! 1.5 native helpdesk application with built-in knowledge base. It has many features, but I guess one necessary feature is missing.
When Rep is viewing all open problems using Huru Helpdesk control panel, table with problems does not show problems that require a reply. It is hard to decide which problem was replied and which not. Therefore, I had a try to fix it.


 At this moment latest version of Huru Helpdesk is 0.88c. There are two files in Joomla directory that should be edited.
  1. components/com_huruhelpdesk/models/list.php
  2. components/com_huruhelpdesk/views/list/tmpl/default.php
In first file models/list.php find strings

Add after block of code

Then find in the models/list.php string

and change it to

In the second file views/list/tmpl/default.php find

and change it to:

Above code makes two things: adds new header for "state" column and fixes issue with some browsers that do not understand non-image src="" parameter for img tag (Google Chrome in my case)

Find block in the views/list/tmpl/default.php

and add after code

Upload image to components/com_huruhelpdesk/images Click on image to download

Final step is to add langstring, execute query below

Huru Helpdesk control panel now has State column

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